Above are two magazine spreads on famous graphic designer David Carson that embody his personal style and feel. I chose to use grunge fonts to match his taste. I wrote the body copy, which is a biography of Carson. The pictures were taken from the Internet, as this was a class assignment in design and layout.
Above are two magazine spreads that were published in Living Real Magazine (Volume 9) in 2015. I followed the style guide provided for margins and body text, but otherwise was responsible for all design work. Living Real is a faith based magazine located in West Columbia, South Carolina and distributed in the area.
Above is the magazine article I created that is published in InterCom's Spring 2015 issue. The story discusses the nearing completion of the new School of Journalism and Mass Communications at the University of South Carolina, which will be complete by Fall 2015. I was responsible for all design elements, all photographs and the story. InterCom is a magazine created by students at the University of South Carolina that is distributed to all alumni from the School of Journalism & Mass Communications.
Above is the magazine article I designed that was published in Garnet and Black Magazine. I was responsible for design elements, with photograph and story provided. Garnet and Black Magazine is student produced at the University of South Carolina and distributed for free in the Carolina community.